We strongly believe in the value of collaboration and shared personal experiences. Time and again we have seen how professional development outcomes for delegates exponentially increase with the shared interactions of colleagues attending a conference or event, working toward the same goals. While there are limitations to these face-to-face connections in some circumstances, we trust that our team can deliver our clients with a valued alternative that can offer your delegates connectedness and satisfaction in a virtual environment.... This is our mission! 


Have you considered a hybrid or 100% virtual conference or event? Right now, we understand associations and businesses are looking for affordable alternatives to in-person meeting experiences and our team are ready and able to deliver your team with the right solutions to surge ahead with your next conference or webinar, through a safe and assured virtual conferencing platform or hybrid option.

The choice is yours! You can choose to deliver a 100% virtual event for your delegates or choose to deliver just a few components through a virtual pre-recorded or live webcast. The question is... who is your audience and what do they want? Everything is possible with our dedicated team of event professionals paving the way.


GEMS Event Management Australia has the ability to bring your conference or event to life in the virtual world. 

GEMS use 'OnAir' by EventsAir - a highly interactive and responsive virtual meeting and conference platform, which will allow your delegates to imerse themselves in all facets of the usual conference experience, from the comfort of their home, office or favourite cafe.

OnAir delivers seamless keynote and concurrent sessions, virtual MC capabilities, 1:1 scheduled exhibitor and sponsor meetings, networking opportunities, live polling and Q&A, as well as gamification.


So, the Hybrid event option simply gives you the best of both worlds. Whilst hosting a face-to-face conference or event, you have the capacity to engage with a broader online audience, delivered through the 'OnAir' software capabilities.

While a speaker is delivering their presentation on stage to a live delegation, the online audience can engage with the speaker and live audience through live chat and live polling.

Exhibitors and sponsors can schedule time to connect with the virtual audience, whilst meeting with those attending the exhibition in-person.

GEMS dedicated event team are ready to deliver your next team meeting or industry event, with multiple OnAIR Virtual Event Planner Accredited staff.

Julie McGraw, Managing Director


More than ever before, your target market of attendees are battling the constant pressures of time and long lists of other commitments. By offering your event as a 100% virtual or hybrid experience, you are providing greater accessibility and engaging with a larger audience. The benefits include:

- Increased event accessibility for those unable to attend in a physical capacity.

- Reduced cost to organisations and delegates - no longer having to finance travel, hotel stays and meals.

- A greater chance to engage with those who are time poor and are unable to commit to travel and/or full day conferencing time pressures.

- Accommodating attendees who prefer to learn in a more private and controlled setting. We're not all extroverts!

What our event attendees appreciate about the OnAIR virtual experience...

"I like that it kept the conference to schedule. Since everyone was virtual, people were more interactive and asked more questions in the Q&A's."  

"I can watch the talks at my leisure, as they are all recorded. The Q&A and discussion boxes, I think these chat boxes made it easier to ask questions, rather than having to ask a question live on air." 

"The best aspects were being comfortable to type questions to speakers without feeling intimidated, like I would be in a public setting. It was much more visual for the eye and the website and online learning was set up very well. It was very effective." 

"The Discussion Forum during the plenaries was a great way to immediately react and interact with the other delegates."  - 2021 Delegate."

"I think it gives people a great way to present and really think about their talk. Also it allows you to see a lot more content."  - 2021 Delegate," 

"No concern about travel costs, restrictions, approvals etc. Can watch concurrent sessions more easily." 

"The ability to go back and watch talks is the massive upside to this software and the virtual conference. Also the meeting room and lunchtime hubs." 

" I am not that social, so being able to attend without attending in person  was a highlight."

"It was nice to be able to pre-record talks and do the questions live. It takes the pressure off of ensuring that your talk is well practiced and polished, and allows you to relax and enjoy the conference.It was nice to be able to pre-record talks and do the questions live. It takes the pressure off of ensuring that your talk is well practiced and polished, and allows you to relax and enjoy the conference." 

"Being able to duck in and out to deal with work stuff, and being able to catch up on missed sessions via recordings. Easy to find sessions with search function."  

"Besides the fact I was sitting in front of my computer, it didn't feel virtual at all. It was so well run and the comic relief it provided during these uncertain times was so welcomed."   

"Being virtual meant I could easily hear and concentrate on everything said and also take notes easily."  


The OnAir virtual event platform software was developed to accommodate the need for ongoing professional development and industry connection, at a time when the world was in the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic. This was a time when in early 2020, the business events industry was brought to a standstill with very few options to service the needs of clients hosting state, national and international professional development events.

OnAIR integrate seamlessly with the EventsAIR event management software, which GEMS has used for many years to manage online delegate registration, speaker management, call for abstracts and review processes, event budget and finance management, exhibitor and sponsor management, accommodation and travel booking, as well as event website development, to just name a few. 

This software offers the flexibility to design a range of virtual or hybrid sessions to keep your audience engaged. These include:

Timeline - Your live agenda of sessions, workshops and exhibitors in one easy to use screen. Includes information about sessions, speaker bios as well as a synchronized clock to keep everyone on time.

Virtual Sessions - synchronized video, webinar, on demand or live broadcast. Includes interactive tools such as Live Polling, Live Q&A and Attendee Chat.

Networking Groups  - Facilitated groups, pre-set groups or social groups.

Exhibitor Marketplace  - instant or pre-scheduled virtual meetings, easy contact exchange, pre-defined questions to address, instant one-on-one recorded video meetings.

Meeting Hub - View and filter attendees, contact exchange, live chat, instant or pre-scheduled meetings, auto do-not-distrurb during sessions..

E-Posters - 40 attendees per poster group, multiple presenters, private messaging and group chat with presenters.

Live Support - Log tickets, chat or share your screen with an event organizer to get assistance during your event.

Get in contact with our team today to discuss how your event can be transformed into a 100% virtual or hybrid success.


Head Office 
GEMS Event Management Australia
Unit 15/118 Queens Road 
Five Dock NSW 2046

Regional Staff
Servicing Northern NSW Tweed region and across the mid-north coast, Port Macquarie and Coffs Coast regions.


+61 2 9744 5252
Email Contact
Postal Address - PO Box 1221
Burwood NSW 1805



We respectfully acknowledge the traditional lands of the Wangal people of the Eora nation, the Goodjinburra people of the Bundjalung nation and the Gumbaynggirr people of the Gumbaynggirr nation, upon which our offices reside and pay our respect to Elders past, present and emerging.

© Copyright 2024 GEMS Event Management Australia